Flamozil Clinical Studies
– 20 pacients with chronic and acute wounds
– Under supervision of Frans Meuleneire (Wondcare Centre AZ St Elisabeth Zottegem – Belgium)
Clinical evaluation:
– positive effect on wound cleaning
– sufficient hydration of necrotic wound
– enhances autolytic debridement
– excelent tolerability
– has a cooling action, which gives pain relief
Practical evaluation
– spray can is unique and big advantage
– for a application in deep cavity wounds
– changing bandage is less traumatic
– opaque/white color for better control of application
Clinical study: Heel Pressure Ulcer
A 83-year-old man with chronic pressure ulcer at his left heel has been treated with negative pressure therapy. Because the weak arterial vascularisation there is a very slow healing.
After four months treatment with Flamozil® gel the wound became in the last period of the proliferation phase.
Finally the wound is almost completely epithelialised after 5 months. Despite the arterial vascular insufficiency the wound has healed under treatment of Flamozil® gel without complications.
Clinical study: Diabetic Foot Ulcer
A 80-year-old man with IDDM has a traumatic wound at the first and second toe of his right foot. Due to previous problems with the micro-vascularisation, about 2 years ago an amputation of 3 toes was necessary.
Less than four months after the trauma we notice a complete wound healing. There is some scar tissue left that daily needs a hydrating moisturizer.
Flamozil® gel is a valuable alternative for the topical treatment of diabetic foot wounds.